Thursday, April 12, 2007

Indiana weather & work

I started my new job as a Field Coordinator for the demo company last night. Booked my first 3 demos. Have several more that I have to get people scheduled for by Friday. It doesn't look like I will be making much, but I'm thankful for it! I'm still looking for another job that I can do from home along with this position.

My step-mother had her stitches removed yesterday. The cuts seem to be healing rather well. I have to take her to an eye specialist Tuesday. When the stitches were removed, they noticed a bump in the corner of her eye. Would you believe this woman is going back to work today?! She has been wanting to go back all along. 76 years old and she won't slow down!

I didn't have my nephews yesterday. They ended up sick with a stomach bug. They will be here today. My kids are happy because they like having them here.

What's with the crazy weather? It was rather nice a couple of weeks ago. Since then it has been bitter cold. Last night we had hail. The rain is one thing; it is Spring. But this cold is something else. Every year I love to see our Cherry tree full of blossoms. This year it got bitter cold just before it went full bloom. Of course that meant the blossoms were messed up. I have 2 lone tulips that managed to bloom before the cold hit. Our 2 Apple trees had started budding a little. I have no idea what the cold has done the buds. My rose bushes are going to have to seriously trimmed in hopes of saving them. Oh, the joys of Indiana.....

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