Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Dog Ate My Paycheck...

Well at least that's what it feels like. Sassy, our beagle, had to go to the Vet again, yesterday. Sassy has been doing really well recovering from the disc problem in her back. Thinking back a few weeks ago, I'm amazed to see her walking & wagging her tail. As some of you know, she was paralyzed in her whole back end. Twice the Vet sent her home & said "It was a last resort". Even the Vet believed she would need to be put to sleep. She is still on restricted activity. I can see a difference in how her hind legs work. But, she does not seem to have pain & she can walk!

Back when she was paralyzed, she was unable to control her bladder. It was constant washing & switching her bed. It seemed impossible to keep her back end dry & clean. My 9 yr daughter & I noticed that she was losing little patches of fur on her back end. I was afraid that she developed bacteria on her skin from the bladder problem & the fact that she was on steroids through that time. The Vet said I was correct. He found bacteria. So, Sassy is on an anti-biotic, again.

I feel like I have been working non-stop the last several weeks between Internet programs, being a ChaCha Guide [search engine], babysitting and my new Coordinator position with the demo company. Not to mention that I am trying to find some more work that I can do along with what I am already doing. --- need to, none of these are enough to cover the bills. So, how did the dog eat my paycheck? No, not literally. Maybe " the Vet ate my paycheck " would be more accurate.

I have to take my step-mother to the Specialist today. When her stitches were taken out last week, they noticed a bump in the corner of her eye. Uggghh, I'm guessing by the time she gets out of the doctor I will be stuck in rush hour traffic up in Indianapolis. Not my idea of fun.

Today looks to be a busy one. The kids have schoolwork. I have to babysit my 2 great-nephews & 4 of my grand kids. I have 12 demos that I really need to get scheduled. Plus, I think that is my house that keeps yelling " clean me, clean me".

Until next time....

1 comment:

Betty said...

Hello Cathy, we are praying for you and Sassy and your family. I miss your emails on FLT. Don't mind those comments, we voted on OT being ok, so be it! Peace be with you friend.