Monday, March 12, 2007

New Job & The Dog's Emergancy

Yesterday, was a long one. I started a new job. It's not much; only 12 hours a week. But, since hubby has been on unemployment since the end of Nov, every little bit helps. I'm working at a laundry mat on all day Sundays & 4 hours on Wednesday evenings. I found out that Sunday is their busiest day. Started off nice. Then, a man brought in bag after bag, after bag of clothes & said he wanted them that evening. Oh, by the way, he says, " They're REALLY dirty." He wasn't kidding! Yuck... ground in dirt & grease... all 67 pounds of it. Let me tell ya, you haven't seen nothing until you have seen a germ-a-phobe [me] digging dirty underwear out of dirty pants pockets. Yuck, blah... Of course the day was filled with this or that machine wouldn't work, water spilled all over the floor and so on. Oh, I even had the joy of the toilet over flowing & completely running out of change with a full laundry mat. But, I survived. Yay, me! Hopefully, Wednesdays are quiet.

I got home tired & sore to find out that Sassy, our beagle, was not well. She had been fine first thing in the morning. By last night she barked & yelped from the littlest movement. Poor dog couldn't lay down because it seemed to hurt. She was falling asleep sitting up. Hubby & 2 of my daughters rushed her to a 24 hour Emergancy Vet Hospital. I was terrified that it was something internal. Thankfully not.

Our dog has the beginning of a herniated disk. Poor Sassy! The vet said we are lucky that we got her in this quick. She is on anti - inflamitory meds & is suppose to stay calm and still for the next month. She is not allowed to play or climb stairs. Of course we have stairs out the front & back door. She has to be carried to go to the bathroom. Hubby is the only one that can carry her. I have a feeling that the next month is going to be a long one.

Hubby slept in the Living Room floor next to Sassy last night. We just don't want to put her in a cage, like the vet suggested. Poor dog is just laying , quietly in her bed today.

Today is bound to be another long day. I'm still tired from yesterday. We have more school work to do, but the kids are pretty good about that. My 2 oldest grandkids came over this morning so I could do a little school work with them. I also just started watching 2 of my great-nephews. They are 7 months & 3 years. They are good, quiet kids. I should be watching them Monday - Friday for the next 4 weeks. Oh, the 3 year old needs to be potty trained... yay, what fun. [not] About an hour before my nephews will be going home, I have to watch 4 of my grandkids [ 1 year - 6 years old] until my son-in-law gets done with his job. As I said, a long day. Not to mention I need to get some house work done & was hoping to get some time today to work on ChaCha.
Okay... so I ramble. Some days it won't be so bad; others could be worse.